Posts tagged ‘smart utility meters’

Smart Meters – Measure your savings!

One of the advancing technologies in the green marketplace is called a smart meter.  These wonderful devices can be read remotely saving time and money for the utility and for you! they allow you to monitor your usage sometimes over the internet.  Just like trying to lose weight that trusty old scale is often the best reinforcement for changing bad habits.

The latest success for this technology is in the California town of Mojave.  It is a fairly small water district as these things go, but any advance is progress.  (

Excerpt from : “Silver Spring Smart Meters is hoppin! Keeping a brisk pace, they’ve just signed on with Modesto Irrigation District in central California for $17 million to sell smart-metering equipment to the district.

The other new bit of this technology is for your home and is to help you conserve water.  The extra neat thing about this device is that it generates its own power from the gray water waste line in your house!  The article on is here:

I am really surprised that the implementation of these devices is taking so long given the obvious savings for the utilities, however they are slowly being put in and someday soon we will all have the benefits of this technology.

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September 11, 2008 at 8:24 pm Leave a comment

